Thank You Lynne Hlavin & Lindsey Helmers!
We are so greatful for REAL friends like Lynne and Lindsay supporting us through these rude lies. From private messages to phone calls from the International Borzoi community, my heart has been warmed. ​
Lynne's Facebook Post On Risa Ikeya's Page
"I saw Arrow in September at the West Volusha kennel club show where he hung out with me while I sold catalogs and met many members of my club. He was in excellent condition."
"I saw him again in December. He gave me kisses while I sat at ringside. Again he was in excellent condition. Risa was there with Kayo and I met her in person. This was during the week of Royal Canin and Patti Fitzgerald was also there. We all had lunch together."
"So.. how did this puppy get so abused and neglected in a week so much Risa went back to Japan and wrote to Patti that he was being abused. Patti saw him in December and suddenly it was an emergency to have her son pick him up with Odette that had been promised to Kayo."
"Her son snatched them up out of warm/hot Florida and took them on hours and hours long road trip to the frozen tundra of New York where Arrow was taken a photo of shivering in his loss of puppy coat standing in snow."
"This was to show him traumatized supposedly by Kayo. Poor Arrow..I would be traumatized by a trip like that too."
"As far as Odette goes, my son has a bitch with a very similar pedigree who also has a similar weight issue untill her food was changed. She was never abused..has a huge yard to run in, and a soft bed and sofa to sleep on."
"So it appears that Risa has issues personally with Kayo and has vindictively tried to throw her under the bus so to speak after Kayo boarded Arrow at her house for months and lovingly took care of him. And then opened her house to a very ungrateful guest who brought a friend with her for 10 days."
"Now the real truth is out about Odette that there was really another reason she had to go back to Patti and then it was convenient to say she was abused
Shame on you ladies.. shame on you."

Lindsey Helmers Facebook Post
When I think of Tamara and Kayo, there are 3 words that come to mind:
1. Integrity 2. Love 3. Honesty
Those I feel are the backbone of a excellent breeder it has to be or soon the breed will go downhill in a way that will never come back. Every time I had to talk with one of them about something they gave their love of the breed first and foremost never was wishy washy about anything truth and love always came first I was honored and proud to have acquired a dog from such a breeder.
So when I hear lies and deceit against them I MUST defend them because they don’t deserve it NO HOME COULD BE BETTER THEN KAYO OR TAMARA.
I would have my 4 Borzoi stay their without any hesitation it would be like my own home. Remember jealousy always plays a part with accusations they don’t deserve anything but accolades for the Borzoi breed.
Kayo and I thank Lindsey for her kind words and support!