Story Behind The "Dream" Litter
Since the moment Vivian arrived from Finland, Bonbon was smitten. She was his true love.
He followed her everywhere, even getting into trouble when she lured him to do bad things...
His devotion has never wavered for his Dream Love. His Princess Vivian...
Bonbon was crushed first to learn that Quinn was going to have a secret rendezvous with Princess Vivian, then a new Prince arrived from Russia and he knew it was her Destiny to be his
wife. He was quite a young Prince, and their union was not successful.
Bonbon was crushed, flinging himself to the ground in agony, if only it had been my turn...
Then...the energy of the universe took over and Bonbon became the chosen one when it was
clear that he would be the best chance to make Vivian's Dream of puppies come true. No
travels, no vet visits, just the harmony of their love...
The moral to the story is that "Dreams Really Do Come True"

The gallery below contains pictures of the sire and dam:
Sire . Bonbon

Dam . Vivian