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GCH Sedona Bariatinsky  X  CH Sedona Deja La Meilleure


COI  8.6%

Barii BOW PSBC.png
Mila Freestack Yard.png


Exquisite structure, balance and movement beget the same.  With the sire Barii's stallion looks, strong build and stunning movement combined with Mila's stunning type, balanced structure and fluid movement, we are sure the puppies from this litter will be winners just as they have been.



GCH CH Sedona Malachite

Maksi lives in North Carolina with his mom Carolyn Mewborn. He finished his AKC Championship and Grand Championship with ease being handled exquistely by Joanne Freise.   


Sedona Obsidian

Kazi lives in Washington with his new mom Dr Polly Martin DVM and his Dad on their beautiful property.  He frolics on their acreage and enjoys chasing after grasshoppers and rabbits.


Kazi and his Family Gallery



Kazi Sept 2024.jfif


Sedona Tanzanite

Our, precious Tanzy lives in Wappinger Falls New York with Kitty and Frank!


Sedona Onyx

Nik lives in Kansas with his Dad Les and loves to romp on their acreage.  He also gets to play with his Silken Windhound friend.

Nik Relaxing.png
Elle Sofa.png


Sedona Diamond Girl

Elle is now in her forever home in Jupiter Florida with a lovely 1.15 acres to romp and play with her Mom Lindsey and Dad Rob.  She frolicks with her brothers Maxi, Drake and sister Cooper


Sedona Andalusite

Anton lives with Becky Ranger and his cousin Stoli in New York.  He is going to be a big boy and has some growing to do while Stoli is showing.


Sedona Tourmaline

Lina lives in Ontario Canada with Brenda and her husband David.  

Lina In Chair.png


Sedona Kyanite

Our precious Bleu lives in Washington state in a companion home.  His name was changed but we like his original name better, so we are using it on the website.  A sweeter boy you will never find.  We hope Bleu brings as much joy to his new mom as he did to us from birth to 5 months old.




Beautiful Morgan.  Lovely outline with stunning head and exquisite movement.  A beauty from this very consistent litter.

Morgan Free Stack Cropped copy_edited_edited.jpg
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