What Really Happened To Arrow And Odette
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Truth and Integrity tell no lies. Here is the REAL truth. When Kayo received Odette and Arrow, she was very surprised when she saw how thin and slabsided (narrow) Odette was and told me about it. I have pictures that I can share. We both felt she would "body up" in time as she matured.
Kayo worked hard to get weight on Odette but Odette ran around her one acre fenced area so much with Arrow that she did not gain weight in the months they were at Kayo's.
Unfortunately Kayo thought Odette would have been health checked by Patti Fitzgerald before sending her from New York to a new home with Kayo in Florida. Patti obviously did not do that, hence bringing roundworms onto Kayo’s property which she now has to treat all her dogs for.
Since Kayo's home is closed to outside dogs and her Borzoi did not have roundworm, it would make sense that the Borzoi Patti Fitzgerald sent from a home that had whelped three litters of different breeds one after another and the fact that Patti owns a huge bordering kennel and works there on the weekend was the source of the roundworms. ​
Both Odette and Arrow were fine, merely having slightly dryer coats due to the very warm and dry weather in Florida. Watch the video of when both Odette and Arrow were picked up. You can hear when Elliott pats Arrow on the side that his ribs were not showing...even hear that Arrow was solid by the pat on his side. He had started blowing his puppy coat but it still looked great for his age.
I was originally not going to say anything, but I can no longer stand by while
Risa Ikeya and now Eileen Pavia spreads false LIES about Kayo.
Below is the real reason that Odette was taken back.
Patti Fitzgerald of Hi Tor Hounds had lied to Janis Neilson ( Odette's co-owner ) and actually told me over the phone that she had forged Janis signature with the AKC before.
Apparently, this time it did not work and Janis would NOT sign Odette over to Kayo and I, as was promised by Patti Fitzgerald. Patti was now in hot water with the AKC and Janis. See the Text Message below from Patti saying that it was her fault and that giving Odette back would the "The Right Thing To Do". I suppose the Janis-Abner signing off on Odette after she got her AKC Championship must have been a lie as well to get her back since now Odette is in a companion home and will be spayed.
Well.....like I said, "Once a Liar - ALWAYS A LIAR!
Before the above happened, Risa Ikeya stayed with Kayo and while at her home as a guest, Risa screamed at Kayo because she missed a date getting a rabies shot and the right time. Risa's friend that was there with Kayo told Kayo (while Risa was in the shower) that Risa was a spoiled rich girl. Kayo had heard Risa scream at her parents like that and get away with when Kayo visited Risa in Japan. What Risa really needs is a SPANKING. She is child in a women's body and is maligning a good and concientious breeder. It's obvious that Risa's parents have enabled her to be disrepectful to them and to others.
Risa then kept reaching out to me. I did not want to speak with her that night as I was very angry at how she had treated Kayo. But she kept messaging me, so I called and basically let her have it. I told her that if she had been staying with me and had done that, she would have had to stay at a hotel until she left. I would have kicked her out of my house! She still had the audacity to ask me to take Arrow for her until he was ready to go to Japan. I said no, that it would be too hard for me. I said that I would fall in love with him and never be able to let him go.
What Risa is doing now with badmouthing Kayo is considered Libel and Slander in the United States. Both are types of defamation. Libel is a defamatory statement that is written. Slander is a defamatory statement that is oral. We have examples of both written and verbal and witnesss that will support that these are lies. These are both defarmation of character and she can be sued for damages.
Risa may live in Japan but if we are successful, she could be arrested the next time she comes to the US.
I am NOT messing around with this.
I have a lawyer in New York and one in Oregon that would assist me.
Patti offered Odette to Kayo and I instead of a stud fee, then took her back. Patti has NEVER paid us a Stud Fee, nor provided any puppy back as per our Stud use agreement. I will be seeking legal action to get the money that is now owed to us since she took Odette back.
I created a website for FREE for Patti and I usually charge $2,000- $3000 for websites, so I deleted the content that I created for www.kishnigaborzoi.com when this happened.
The website is still active, there is just not any content.
What started out as a wonderful and fun experience has turned into a nightmare! You can beleive which ever side of the story you want, but once a liar, always a liar. Patti has lied to Janis Neilson, the AKC, Kayo and I and who knows who else.